Deaf girls world over are hindered from accessing or progressing in school. Other causes of school dropout include lack of teachers with sign language skills and various forms of abuse. It’s important to promote Deaf girl child rights to education in Rwanda, Deaf Girls’ education goes beyond getting girls into school. It is also about […]
Rwanda ratified the UNCRPD along with its Optional Protocol on 15 December 2008.It is also signatory to the African protocol and has also ratified almost all core international human rights treaties. This includes the UDHR, CEDAW and Beijing Platform for Action are the key agreements which promote rights of all including women who are deaf […]
Reproductive health encompasses a whole spectrum of rights and services. It includes: user friendly youth family life information and contraceptive services, child spacing, safe delivery, breastfeeding /infant young child nutrition, cancer and male involvement. On all fronts, women and girls who are deaf have their rights violated. The barriers that girls and young Deaf […]
Deaf girls and women need life skills as well as employable skills for survival. There are plans to intensify skills training for women and girls including functional literacy and entrepreneurship. This is important as many projects started to improve household incomes have borne little fruit because beneficiaries lack the essential skills like saving, and calculating […]