Deaf young girls, single mothers and girls with different disabilities in Musanze district were trained on Sexual Gender Based Violence (SGBV) concepts, Sexual Reproductive Health and how to seek health, justice and legal support once becoming victims.
The training that was organized by the three organization namely Rwanda National Association of Deaf Women (RNADW “UMUCYO”), AfroArk and Hope for Single Mothers with Disabilities (HSMD), was held on Wednesday, January 18th, 2023 under the campaign to end SGBV especially sexual violence among (-in and out of school deaf young girls), single mothers and other girls with different disabilities.
The theme of the campaign as dubbed ‘Your protection doesn’t protect me’ aims at increasing beneficiaries’ knowledge and decision-making abilities in preventing SGBV.
This initiative was supported by Women Gaining Ground (WGG), Global South-led consortium of three organizations with deep experience in feminist leadership, movement-building, advocacy and working with marginalized groups, and CREA as the lead organization. WGG is collaborating in a five-year programme (2021-2025), and works in five priority countries: Bangladesh, India, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda.
“Deaf young girls, single mothers and other girls with disabilities are exposed to sexual violence, it is the reason why they need to learn and improve their abilities in decision making and prevention of SGBV,” Said Dativa Mukashema, RNADW Executive Director.
According to Joseph Murenzi, District Chief Investigator , Musanze district Rwanda investigation Bureau (RIB), sexual violence exists and involves deaf people as the victims or perpetrators.
“During the year 2021-2022, deaf victims’ cases we received include one (1) child who was defiled, two girls who were raped and one case who faced assault and battery,” said Joseph Murenzi, Chief Investigator, Musanze district.
“For deaf SGBV crimes perpetrators, one case was accused of assault and battery, one accused of drug abuse while two cases were accused of theft,” he added.
In his message to these young deaf girls and women, Murenzi urged them to know that SGBV is around and is very critical towards their health and future life. He noted that child defilement is among the major cases they are combatting with much efforts.
Kagiraneza Mujyambere, investigator at Isange One Stop Center (IOSC), Musanze RIB station explained different services they give to the victims of SGBV and sexual violence in particular, including health, justice, legal assistance and trauma healing.
Kagiraneza advised them to avoid illegal abortion as it poses serious risks to their health. He also urged them to keep the evidences before seeking support at IOSC before 72 hours since the sexual violence happened.